Saturday, July 17, 2010


Yes, I haven't posted for over a week, and last week I missed writing my letter and for that I apologize, please forgive me. I have been busy but, before I get into details I will let you know why I am enjoying the busy-ness.

I am enjoying the busy-ness because for once in my life I am in LOVE with my job! I am nannying the sweetest children. The youngest two have this spirit about them where you can genuinely see this love, I have yet to see them fight and I have been doing this for three weeks. The oldest is also very sweet, kind, and caring she is nine years old, and she has a lot of pizazz! She is dramatic and exuberant and well sometimes it can be a little difficult, most of the time she just goes with the flow and loves life.

I am enjoying because we may have found a place! We are moving to the coast in late August for my darling husband to finish school, and well having possibly lined up a place is a pretty amazing thought!

I am enjoying because even though it is time consuming and rather tedious I am making tutu's as the costume for my girls for camp! I have made eight and have two more to go until I am done! They are awesome! Rocco LOVES them.

I am enjoying because well, I have no reason not to enjoy! I may be busy but, busy is fun! I have gone for more walks this week than I have gone in the last month. I am enjoying because I am leaving this Wednesday we are taking 68 kids to camp and I have ten of them in my cabin! I have the opportunity to spend a week with these girls and give them an experience of a life time.

I am just enjoying.

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 5th 2010

Dear Husband, 

What can I say you made my weekend great, you make my every day great, and the fact that I am so lucky to be able to spend every day with you...well that just blows my mind every so often. It is hard to comprehend the fact that you choose me, and I choose you. What luck! You didn't decide to fall in love with someone else.

This weekend we went to my grandparents cabin and relaxed...boy did we relax.
it was pure perfection. We stayed up late and slept in late. We did what ever we wanted to without any sort of time line, it was a wonderful weekend. You were a total sweetheart the whole time, I would say my heart melted several times.

I totally fell in love with a little cafĂ© and was so happy you took me there and let me buy gelato as much as I wanted! I just bathed in the awesomeness that was the Pink Cherry, I always feel as though I am one of the locals when I find an awesome place to eat that isn't McDonalds.

I am so happy that we were able to spend this time together and that everything worked out. I am also so happy that for once the weather decided to cooperate while we were at the cabin and that we were able to go swimming without being totally and completely frozen.  

I feel so blessed to be able to spend every day, even the normal mundane ones, with the man I love.If someone told me four years ago that I would soon meet the man of my dreams, and that I would be this happy, and this in love, they would have gotten a slap in the face because that just would have seemed like a cruel joke. I am so glad I can now say with complete honesty that I am head over heels in love, and although we have our struggles, I wouldn't change the life we have, or even a day we spend together for the world.

I Love you so much hunny!

       Your Wife.

(Did I mention the fact that my grandparents have possibly the best few of the lake from their house?)